Energy management work is divided into before and after Greendata.
Before Greendata
Energy data still managed in Excel and by hand

After Greendata
Automated energy data management

Anyone can manage their energy easily
Target Management
Control your energy usage through target management

Legacy Data
Synch easily with previous data

Air Conditioning Specialization
High-precision air conditioning control enabled by Greendata unique analytics technology

Digital Twin
Propose energy use optimized for various sites by verifying on digital twin

Total Management
Easily integrating management of multiple business sites

Check various information at a glance through monthly and yearly report

Predicting Usage
Predicting usage through data analysis

The generative AI Greeny makes sure you don't feel any discomfort.
With Greendata From energy to carbon management All at once as an integrated solution
Greendata is?
Companies in use
Bounce rate

Carbon Management Realized with Greendata
reduced carbon emissions(tCO2e)
Protected the tree.

(based on 2024.03, actual data may vary.)
Why Choose Greendata?
Screen Configuration by Management Department
Customizing dashboard according to user
Pivot Table, and analysis desired by user
Various analysis results automatically updates quarterly
Introducing the Core Functions that Greendata will provide in the Future
More accurate Carbon risk Management Carbon Accounting Service
Coming soon

From Carbon Certification Management to Carbon Trading ECP
Coming soonEasy and Convenient through Own Carbon Certification Management
Coming soon
All these corporations are working with Greendata
Robust security within a convenient integrated solution
High level of Physical and Network Security
We isolate the virtual environment and control traffic using AWS’s network security tools, such as virtual networks and security groups.
Data Security and Encryption
We adhere to the highest level of security by securing multiple security layers for device/network and idP/MFA access to servers and databases.
Protection of Confidential Information
Secret keys, passwords, API tokens, and other environment variables are separately managed in the cloud to prevent hardcoding in files, ensuring security.
Discover news and information about Greendata
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Are you still hesitant about Greendata integrated energy platform?
Apply for a free consultation right now!
In addition to offering plans differentiated by function, we meticulously understand
the environment and requirements of the company to provide the most suitable customized service